Image of man working

RWE Renewables

Prospect is the expert and independent voice for employees at RWE Renewables: to your employer and to policy-makers.

As your recognised trade union, Prospect is uniquely placed to negotiate your pay, your terms and conditions, ensure your health and safety and be an influential voice for workers within the company.

Prospect and RWE have recently extended the union recognition agreement to cover all employees in RWE Renewables.

Our members drive our priorities, and we develop and train Prospect representatives to support this, working closely with our Full-Time Officer – [email protected]

In addition, we also offer the following benefits:

  • Independent, professional advice and support if you have a problem at work including legal assistance where required
  • Health and Safety resources and expertise to protect you at work
  • Skills and career development
  • Networking opportunities
  • Special deals and discounts to help you save money on a range of products and services

We already offer protection, support and advice to more than 22,500 members across the entire energy sector: from generation, transmission, nuclear and decommissioning.

In renewables, we have a fast-growing membership in onshore wind, offshore wind, solar, hydro and energy storage.

As the leading energy trade union in the UK, Prospect is a powerful advocate for workers both inside and outside their workplaces.

Prospect has established union membership and union recognition arrangements for members working in employers including Ørsted, SSE (Renewables) as well as network companies like National Grid, Electricity North West, Northern Power Networks and in the nuclear industry.

We have close relationships with the key renewables’ health and safety bodies and our policy expertise and campaigning makes us an influential voice across industry and government.

For example, Prospect senior deputy general secretary Sue Ferns is a member of the government’s Green Jobs Delivery Group and, at the height of the pandemic, Prospect worked closely with ministers to help introduce the furlough scheme.

Join the trade union for RWE Renewables employees Sign up now

Tackling the climate crisis

The energy sector will have a huge role to play as the UK pushes to achieve Net Zero.

In addition to our professionals in renewables, Prospect’s membership includes leading climate scientists, conservationists and engineers. Our members are on the frontline of tackling the climate crisis.

We believe that the climate crisis is a trade union issue. We know the work that you do will be a key part of that.

More information on our Climate Emergency hub.

Just Transition

A Just Transition is about the fair treatment of workers and communities most affected by change as we move to a lower carbon world.

Prospect represents more than 22,500 energy workers, and as the UK moves towards a low-carbon economy, we are campaigning for a ‘just transition’ for those affected.

We are supporting workers from traditional energy sources move into green and low carbon technologies.

Find out more on our special Just Transition hub.



Be part of a union that includes more than 157,000 members across the public and private sectors; from aviation to agriculture; from BT to BAE Systems Join us today

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