Meet the NEC

Prospect’s National Executive Committee oversees the work of the union. Find out more about the members that make up the NEC below.

Alice Black

Alice Black is Production Manager at the National Theatre of Scotland & has been self-employed in the events industry for 14 yrs. Co-founded the Scottish Live Events Network branch & is co-chair. Alice is also on the Arts & Entertainment divisional committee of Bectu sector. As part of her union work Alice has attended Event Industry Advisory Group meetings, a body which advises the Scottish government on issues faced by the industry. Has a special interest in workplace health & safety, equality & representing freelance workers, improving the way freelancers organise within the union.

Andrew Ruffhead, PhD, MPhil

Andrew worked in the Ministry of Defence for 25 years as a Computing Geoscientist, and still pursues mathematical research.  He has been a member of Prospect since 1980, has served on the Retired Members’ Group National Committee since 2010, and has represented Prospect on the Public Service Pensioners Council since 2013.  He strongly supports fair treatment for public-sector workers, as well as adequate provision for present & future pensioners.  While accepting that Prospect’s primary obligation is to Working Members, Andrew believes that some scope exists for improving Retired Members’ voice at conferences and on sub-committees.

Andy Mooney

Andy joined National Air Traffic Services as an engineer, subsequently working in Project Management and currently a Change Management Practitioner. Andy joined the IPMS National Executive in 1998, continuously serving since as both NEC member and Branch Secretary. An active case handler, Andy is keen that Prospect has the infrastructure to equip reps to support members in need with a sustainable subscriptions structure. A current member of the Finance and Audit, Campaigns and Communications Committees and Estates Working Group, Andy has also participated in various working groups such as Subscriptions, website, branding and introduction of the membership contact centre.

Audrey Uppington

Audrey has worked in the Nuclear Industry for the majority of her working life & currently works for Sellafield Ltd. Started her career in Accounts & joined the union in 1978. Became a rep 1980, since then has held various officer positions at Branch level. Within SL Audrey takes a negotiation lead on T&C’s. She was recently elected as Senior Vice Chair of the Energy Sector Executive and chairs the Nuclear Development Sub-Group. As an experienced member of the NEC she is involved in a number of NEC advisory sub committees including Pensions and Finance and Audit.

Carol Magor

Carol is a member of Bectu and currently works on full-time union duties as a Lay Official at the BBC.  Elected to the NEC in 2022, Carol is proud to be part of Prospect and wants to ensure the union develops and adapts to meet the challenges of a rapidly changing world. She believes we must tackle Diversity and Inclusion and highlight injustice. She is the Branch Secretary for the BBC East Midlands Branch, a member of the Bectu Sector Executive Committee (SEC); Women’s Equality Committee (WEC); and sits on the BBC National Joint Council (NJC).

Christine Daniell

My name is Christine Danniell I work for BT as a Lead Commercial Manager, I have been active at national level since 2016. I am interested in working on Equality and Environmental issues and ensuring that these remain firmly on the bargaining agenda.  The future of work is challenging, both the Union and its members are having to adapt to the new environment. My current focus is to ensure that we grow our membership, whilst addressing the needs of existing members, and being attractive to new members so together we can improve working conditions for all.

David Harding

In my career I served 43 years for Queen and Country as a specialist Civil Servant working with the Public and Private sector. A trade unionist for 60 years with pay deal success, reducing redundancies, negotiating extra work, supporting implementing Equal Ops. committee, restructuring subscriptions, introducing legal advice for members. Last two years on the NEC and RMG President with a mandate to develop a shared culture which brings together all members but allows for the differences that makes us effective across the diversity of our membership.” HOPE –  BROAD-MINDED – COMMUNICATION.”

Eamonn Guilfoyle

Eamonn Guilfoyle works for the Office for Nuclear Regulation. A member of the trade union since 2012, he first became active at a national level when he joined the YPN committee in 2018. He retains a particular interest in speaking-up on the priorities of young professionals and to help Prospect recruit young workers

Eleanor Wade

Ele works at the Intellectual Property Office as a Senior Patent Examiner specialising in building and construction technology.  She is branch chair there and was first elected to Prospect’s NEC in 2014.  Ele’s priorities for Prospect are:

  • Securing financial stability and building confidence in our projections,
  • Accountability and transparency in decision making,
  • Ensuring that at every level of our union differences of opinion are handled well and constructively to reach outcomes that work for our members,
  • Holding ourselves to the values we ask of others.

Freddie Brown

Freddie works for the Ministry of Defence as a photographer. He has been active at national level since 2000. Freddie chairs the equal opportunities advisory committee. He is also interested in training and health and safety.

Garry Swift

Gary Swift has been in the nuclear industry, employed by Magnox Ltd, for 36 years. Been a Prospect representative for 16 years, full-time representative since 2016. I am involved in energy sector of which I am currently the Senior Vice President. Been a member of the National Executive Committee (NEC) for the last 6 years. I am particularly interested in Equality, Diversity & Inclusion, and strongly believe that all our members deserve to be treated with dignity & respect in the workplace.

Geoff Fletcher

Geoff is employed as a workplace inspector for the Health and Safety Executive. He has been an active trade unionist for many years and is currently a senior officer in his branch and the President of Prospects Public Services Sector. He is committed to ensuring the union is continuously improving through enhanced representation and service to members, wider democratic accountability/transparency, and a sustainable financial stability

George Ryall

George Ryall works for UK Research and Innovation at the Science and Technology Facilities Council’s Rutherford Appleton Laboratory near Didcot in Oxfordshire. He works within the Scientific Computing Department there. George has been a member of the NEC since 2018 and of the Public Sector Executive Committee since 2017. He is particularly interested in UK Science policy and how it affects our members. He is keen to support the development of new reps and the recruitment of new members, particularly from those new to the workforce.

Helen Carp

Helen works for AWE as an Operations & Integrations Manager. She has been active at branch level since 2020, taking on the role of Branch Treasurer, leading to involvement nationally in 2021. With a particular interest in working with Women in Defence on matters unique to women in the diverse and extraordinary world of UK Defence. Helen chairs the Defence Industry Group and the Women in Defence Network, seeking to explore and promote the retention and development of all members in the Defence Industry.

James Leppard

James works in cyber security within the defence industry and brings experience from a breadth of representative roles since 2003 including serving on Prospect national committees relating to science, technology, organising, communications, and campaigns from 2010. He is passionate about protecting jobs, opposing deregulation, and insisting that all are treated fairly and with respect. James is interested in how our union can continue to be visible, relevant, and sustainable in our workplaces both now and for future generations. He believes our focus should be on organising and delivering for members in represented industries.


James works at SP Energy Networks. He has taken various technical, commercial & managerial roles in the industry. Long-standing Prospect member. Strong believer of union & its critical role in safeguarding a fairer & more tolerant society. Passionate about equality & inclusivity at workplace. James was re-elected to NEC in 2022. At local branch level, James has been a strong ally & supporting the LGBT & Minority workforce at SP Branch. He initialised VIBE working group with 3 other colleagues at SP to advocate the importance of workforce diversity. Has been a member of SESAC working group.

Jessica Bryan

Jessica Bryan has worked in the archaeological industry since 2004. Employed at MOLA (Museum of London Archaeology) since 2010. A fieldwork specialist, role focused on the excavation and recording of archaeological remains. Joined Prospect in 2006, she has been a keen supporter of the union, taking a rep role in MOLA in 2015. Progressed through H&S rep, section secretary, branch secretary and now branch chair. Joined the NEC in 2020 & is currently in her second term. Keen to support members, her section, her branch & the union as a whole to make workplaces fairer & safer for all.

Jim Henderson

Jim works for the Forestry Commission as Chair of the Forestry Commission Trade Unions. Elected to the Civil Service Sector in 1997 to 2019, and active at NEC level since 2014, Jim is particularly interested in working on Health & Safety and on matters that affect smaller, dispersed branches. It is important the Prospect can reach members in remote locations and help them find ways to promote, develop, and support new/existing members. Expanding and supporting such members will be critical to the continued healthy state of the union.

Kathryn Sosville

Kathryn Sosville works for Dounreay Site Restoration Ltd as the Independent Regulator Security and Safeguards Lead. Kathryn has been active at national level since 2020 and is particularly interested in promoting the use of workplace adjustment passports for all employees which are of use to those workers with disabilities and ensures that reasonable adjustments are implemented. how the union can influence the working community to be inclusive, ensuring the union functions in accordance with its Rules and as directed by Conference, and to promote, develop and support our diverse membership.

Neil Hope-Collins

Neil has been active at national level since 2006 and as one of HM Inspectors of Health & Safety working for the Health & Safety Executive has had professional dealings with Prospect members across several industry sectors.  Neil has an interest in effective governance and works with third sector organisations providing training and support in this area.  On the NEC he has tried to improve the connections between branches and members, believing that though we all take pride in what makes us distinct, there is in fact far more that unites us across the union than we often recognise.

Peter Lawrence

Pete Lawrence is employed as a Principal Safety Engineer by Babcock International. Been an active trade union representative for over 10 years & deputy branch secretary for the majority of that time. Represented his branch at numerous pay negotiations, redundancy & pension consultations in addition to personal case handling. This is his second term with the National Executive Committee. Strongly believes that by working together we are more than capable of not only weathering the storm but also thriving as the one true choice for people looking for a politically impartial yet politically influential union.

Rachel Garrick MSc CMIOSH MSRP

Rachel is the Lead for Radiological Consequences at EDF Energy. Rachel joined Prospect (IPMS at the time) as a graduate trainee at Dounreay in the late 90s and has spent many years as a rep negotiating for and representing members. She is Branch Chair of the EDF Energy Branch of Prospect and convenor for the staff Trade Unions for EDF’s nuclear new build projects. Her experience is in nuclear and utilities (particularly distribution networks). Rachel is also a County Councillor and the Cabinet member for Resources at Monmouthshire County Council.

Rebecca Jarvis

Rebecca Jarvis is a freelancer in the tv and theatre industries and was worked in the creative industries in some capacity since 2007. Being a member of bectu since 2012 Rebecca has been involved in the young members and disabled members for many years also being on the Bectu sec (sector executive committee) and RPD (regional production devision) Rebecca has advocated for better working rights for new entrants and runners after getting a runners charter passed at Bectu conference ensuring a runners rate card.

Richard Clatworthy

Richard works at National Grid Electricity Distribution (NGED) as a Project Engineer. He has been at National Grid and its predecessors for 35 yrs and is currently NGED Branch President. Active H&S rep, on the Co. SHE Forum & Electricity Business Forum (multi-TU side body that engages with NGED mngt). President of the Prospect Energy Sector for the last 4 years. Richard’s areas of interest are H&S, establishing a secure, stable and low carbon energy system for the UK and support for a Just Transition for those currently working in carbon-based generation to low carbon alternatives. He believes in the importance of communication, collaborative working and inclusiveness.

Satnam Ner

Satnam Ner works as a Radiation Safety Specialist for Babcock International at their Rosyth site in Scotland. He has been active at national level since 2006.  Satnam is a past President of the Scottish TUC and is currently a member of the Fair Work Convention where he seeks to promote the Convention aims by demonstrating the wide-ranging benefits of trade union collective bargaining across all employment sectors. As well as being a long-standing advocate for promoting equality and addressing under-representation, Satnam is particularly interested in working with employers and unions to widen access to STEM careers.

Steve Nicholson

Been in the Nuclear Industry for Sellafield Ltd for 30 years & holding the position of Branch President. Actively supported the Nuclear Industry & was elected on the NEC in 2018 & a privilege to be re-elected for a third term. Involved in NEC sub committees – Nuclear Development Group & the Energy Sector Executive. We face uncertain times going forward, rebuilding from the COVID epidemic & with the energy and cost of living crisis, which is having a detrimental effect to all our members. Collectively, we can all make a difference, by assuring Prospect has a voice in your workplace.

Tasos Zodiates

Tasos works as an Independent Radiation Protection Consultant, current assignments to EDF & the IAEA. Worke at EDF for 36 years & served for many years as the Branch Chair.  Joined Prospect (EMA at the time) in 1986 & has been an NEC member since 1995. Served on the Energy Sector Executive for many years & was Sector President in 2002-04. His interests as an NEC member are Health & Safety, Pensions, & ensuring Prospect has a sound financial basis & the right calibre of staff to serve the members. Enjoys mentoring young people and coaches’ volleyball.

Toby James

Toby is a computational physicist at UKAEA, a public sector nuclear fusion energy research body. He is passionate about engaging and empowering members, building a movement that’s accessible and inclusive for everyone. Only by working to make every voice heard can we build a society that works for all. As a young worker, he wants to ensure young people feel there is a place for them in the labour movement. He was first elected to the NEC in 2022.

Trevor Sperring

Trevor Sperring works for EDF as a fulltime trade union rep having previously being in the operations department at Heysham Power Station. Trevor joined the NEC in October 2022 and has keen interest a Just Transition for the UK energy sector. Trevor is an advocate for nuclear energy and is part of the cross-union campaign group Trade Unions for Safe Nuclear Energy (TUSNE). Trevor will work to ensure that Prospect works for its members through high quality training, effective communications, and close support. Trevor brings a great deal of experience in mentoring and training as well as conflict management.