The Prospect National Executive Committee (NEC) conducts the business of the union in line with the policies set by our national conference.
It manages the union’s affairs between conferences and normally meets five times a year. The powers of the NEC are laid out in Prospect’s rules.
There are 28 working members. This includes four office-holders – the president, vice-president and two deputy vice-presidents (the ‘presidential team’) – plus the general secretary.
The general secretary has no voting rights. Senior Prospect staff may attend NEC meetings in an advisory capacity, but they have no voting rights.
In addition, two retired members are elected by the Retired Members’ Group to attend the NEC as observers and advisers. They do not have voting rights.
Members of the Young Professionals Network (YPN) are also invited to each meeting to observe and experience how the NEC works. YPN observers are also allocated a mentor from the NEC to enhance their development.
The NEC is elected by working members from a list of candidates nominated by branches every two years. It serves from the conclusion of one national conference until the conclusion of the next.
The elected members do not represent particular branches or professions, but are elected to look after the interests of the whole membership.
The president, vice-president and deputy vice-president are elected every two years from among the voting members of the NEC by a ballot of branches at national conference.
The NEC has a number of sub-committees to help it conduct its business. Each of these may set up panels or working parties reporting to them on particular aspects of their work and some of them invite direct participation by reps from branches.
Who’s who on the NEC
This is the 2022-2024 National Executive Committee. The 2024-2026 NEC will take office after National Conference in June 2024 and after that, new committees will be appointed over the summer. Changes will be posted here in due course.
Find out who has been elected on to the NEC from 2024-26.
President: Eleanor Wade
Eleanor works for the Intellectual Property Office as a senior patent examiner. Eleanor was first elected to the NEC in 2014 and is particularly interested in equality and diversity.
Vice-president: Neil Hope-Collins
Neil works for the Health and Safety Executive and was first elected to the NEC in May 2008.
Deputy vice-president: Christine Danniell
Christine is employed by BT as a Commercial Manager working on bids and pricing. Christine has been involved with Prospect for over 15 years.
Other NEC members
- Alice Black
- Andrew Ruffhead
- Andy Mooney
- Audrey Uppington
- Carol Magor
- David Harding
- Eamonn Guilfoyle
- Freddie Brown
- Garry Swift
- Geoff Fletcher
- George Ryall
- Helen Carp
- James Leppard
- James Yu
- Jessica Bryan
- Jim Henderson
- Kathryn Sosville
- Peter Lawrence
- Rachel Garrick
- Rebecca Jarvis
- Richard Clatworthy
- Satnam Ner
- Steven Nicholson
- Tasos Zodiates
- Toby James
- Trevor Sperring
Find out more about the NEC members by reading their short biographies
Bectu Sector Executive Committee
Arts & Entertainment Division:
- Isabella Di Biase
- Steve Grey
- Glen Keane
- Gary Painter
- Tracey Russell
BBC Division:
- Simon Eley
- Carol Magor
Independent Broadcasting Division:
- Balihar Khalsa
London Production Division:
- Mike Dick
- Andy Lowe
- Angela Mason
- Sean O’Malley
- Kate Parker
- James Taylor
- John West
- Jude Winstanley
Regional Production Division:
- Christine Bond
- Heather Crompton
- Wilfred Darlington
- Willis McBriar
Sub-committees 2022-24
Health and safety
NEC members: Jim Henderson (chair), Rachel Garrick, Tasos Zodiates, Helen Carp, Neil Hope-Collins.
Lay reps: Lorna Evans (Babcock International), Matthew Coward (AWE), Stephen Michael (Rosyth Royal Dockyard), Steven Dickson (Scottish Regional), Catherine Collins (ONR).
Communications and campaigns
NEC members: Christine Danniell (chair), Andy Mooney, James Leppard, Rachel Garrick, Neil Hope-Collins.
Lay reps: Philip O’Rawe (CMD Scotland and Northern Ireland), Andrew Meadley (Western Power Distribution).
Science, engineering and sustainability advisory
NEC members: George Ryall (chair), Eammon Guilfoyle, James Leppard, Rachel Garrick, Tasos Zodiates, Neil Hope-Collins.
Lay reps: Tony Gandy (Sellafield), Simon Norris (Nuclear Waste Services), Steven Dickson (Scottish Regional), Becky Lander (IPO), Wilf Darlington (North West Freelance), Chris MacMackin (UKAEA), Andrew Meadley (Western Power Distribution), Amélie Kirchgaessnar (UKRI).
Branch rules working party
Eleanor Wade (chair), George Ryall, Toby James, Gary Swift, Neil Hope-Collins.
NEC members: Christine Danniell (chair), Audrey Uppington, Satnam Ner, Freddie Brown, Neil Hope-Collins.
Lay reps: Ian Varnes (BT), Jeff Rowlinson (Scotland Regional), Philip O’Rawe (CMD Scotland & Northern Ireland), James Burton-Sweeten (UKAEA), Andrew Meadley (Western Power Distribution).
Organisation, recruitment and education
NEC members: Eleanor Wade (chair), Kathryn Sosville, Peter Lawrence, Toby James, Neil Hope-Collins.
Lay reps: Graeme Ivison (Sellafield), Steven Dickson (Scottish Regional Branch), Jamie Parkinson (Wellcome Trust), Chris MacMackin (UKAEA), James Burton-Sweeten (UKAEA).
Equal opportunities
NEC members: Freddie Brown (chair), Jim Henderson, Rachel Garrick, Satnam Ner, Neil Hope-Collins.
Lay reps: Amy Bishop (AWE), Liz Hardwick (North West Freelance), Faisal Qureshi (North West Freelance), Claire Mullaly (CMD Scotland & Northern Ireland), Fae Thompson (UKAEA), Alan Gooden (BT East Midlands).
Finance and audit
Neil Hope-Collins (chair), Andy Mooney, Audrey Uppington, Eamonn Guilfoyle, George Ryall, Kathryn Sosville, Tasos Zodiates.