Our guidance on gender equality at work

Last updated: 04 Mar 2020

Prospect is committed to fighting for gender equality both in the workplace and within society generally.

We campaign to ensure that women are equally able to progress their careers by:

  • pressing for an end to stereotyped attitudes in the workplace
  • the introduction of impartial job appraisal schemes, and
  • fair and open promotion opportunities.

Prospect has produced advice and guidance for members and reps on promoting equality for women in the workplace.

Equal pay: Women and men employed on work rated as equivalent, like work or work of equal value, are entitled to equal pay unless the employer has a material reason for the difference in pay. Pay secrecy clauses are unlawful, so any term in a contract that forbids employees from discussing their pay for
the purpose of finding out if there is discrimination will be unenforceable.

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