How to be an effective Branch 

This course will help you understand more about the roles in a branch and the structure, and engage and recruit new members.

Online and in person
As required.
Bespoke branch courses can also be organised.
Level 2
Open to anybody on a branch committee
Ideally you will have completed Reps 1 or Effective Health & Safety
Book via your
Prospect organiser or Bectu official


Who is the course for?

You may also wish to attend the other ‘how to’ courses in Effective public speaking, minute taking and meetings.

Ideally attendees will have completed either ‘An effective Health and Safety rep’ or ‘Reps part 1′ and have an understanding of the function of the committee

What will I learn?

  • To understand the role of the branch
  • To understand the roles within a branch
  • To be able to recruit members to be reps
  • To be able to structure a branch
  • To be able to engage members