Our campaigns

As well as lobbying on local issues in our members’ workplaces, Prospect also delivers national campaigns that affect a wider range of members.

science museum group strike
Some of our core campaigns are listed below. If you’re a Prospect member and you’d like to suggest an issue that you think it’s important we campaign on, please contact us.

Dignity At Work Charter for the Energy Sector

Prospect is launching a dignity at work charter calling on energy employers to take urgent action to ensure their workplaces are safe and healthy environments where all employees can reach their potential.
Find out more.

Tackling the gender pension gap

Prospect has been campaigning on the gender pension gap – the percentage difference in pension income for female pensioners compared to male pensioners – for many years.
Find out more.

Standing up for Natural England

Prospect members are calling for Natural England’s wide and important remit for people and nature to be properly recognised and funded.
Find out more.