Natural England
Welcome to Prospect’s Natural England section page where you can keep up to date with all our latest work.
We represent a growing number of staff at Natural England, currently standing over 800. We have a team of dedicated reps and full-time officials whose work has included some successful campaigns in recent years. But there is more that we need to do to protect jobs and pay at Natural England – and you can help us do that.
If you’re a member and would like to get more involved, find out more and register your interest.
Read our latest report on the state of Natural England.
Prospect is campaigning for fair pay for Natural England staff see more about our campaign here.
If you’re not a member and would like to find out more, speak to your rep – you can find their contact details in our latest newsletter.
Prospect members are taking industrial action in Natural England
Prospect is campaigning for fair pay for Natural England staff. Natural England is tasked with the government’s huge challenge of reversing biodiversity decline in England and realising a new future of nature recovery. But its staff of professionals and specialists, who are able to find the solutions and work with partners to achieve this, are the lowest paid in the whole of Defra. They languish far behind their counterparts, with no meaningful pay progression for the last decade.
If Natural England is to realise this most daunting and urgent task of turning around England’s depleted biodiversity, for the benefit of us all, it has to be able to hang on to its incredible staff and attract the best future experts and specialists. This is why Natural England Prospect members are taking industrial action to demand fair and equitable pay and make the organisation fit for the future.”
Write to your local MP
Industrial action Q&A
Your reps
The views and concerns of members are conveyed through a network of trained reps. The majority have in-depth experience of life in NE, and all have the intention of improving the pay, wellbeing and safety of colleagues. The location and contact details of these reps can be found in our latest newsletter.
What can I do to help?
- If you’re not yet a member, join us to strengthen our action.
- If you are a member, encourage your colleagues to join us, and share our latest newsletter.
- Share your story with us! A short 100 word account of your role and its value to Natural England and wider society. If you want to share your story and a photo, get in touch with David.
- Follow and support us on Twitter and Instagram.
- Get involved in the work we do by becoming a union rep! Find out what’s involved in the role, or contact Chris or Julia on the email addresses below.
For help on the above contact Organiser Chris Perry or Section Secretary Julia Coneybeer.
News and analysis

Download our State of Natural England reports