
The custodians of our natural environment lack sufficient funding to do their jobs

3 February 2021

The House of Commons Public Accounts Committee (PAC) has today (3 February) published a report which says the government must “move on from aspirational words” and  start “taking the hard decisions” on the environment.

In particular the report warns about recruitment challenges and an impending skills gap in vital government agencies.

Garry Graham, Prospect deputy general secretary, responded:

“This PAC report highlights the worrying gap between the government’s rhetoric on environmental protection and the reality, particularly when it comes to skills and adequate resourcing.

“Prospect has been warning that the Environment Agency and Natural England among others, the custodians of our natural environment, lack sufficient funding to do their jobs. Our own report “The State of Natural England” has illustrated the problem with block grants down, salaries unable to compete with the private sector and an agency at breaking point.

“The recent announcement that public sector pay will once again be frozen, having never recovered from ten years of pay restraint, could be the final straw for many skilled workers. Decades of institutional knowledge and skills are being lost across the country.

“With COP26 on the horizon the government must set an example to the world by demonstrating that investing in nature means investing in the people who protect it.”