
Airwave 2011 Pay Review

31 March 2011

Further to the comms issued on the 16 March 2011 (mem 027/11), we can now report that MPG members have voted in favour of moving the annual salary review date to September.

88% of those who participated in the ballot voted in favour.

We have therefore notified Airwave that the union is prepared to make an agreement to amend contractual terms and conditions along these lines.

We will proceed as outlined to members on 16th March, and will issue further reports following any talks with Airwave regarding changes to the grading structure for MPGs and the distribution of the 0.75% due to be paid in September. As previously reported, an additional 1% will also be paid across the board to MPGs in September.

Many thanks to all those members who took the time to vote and/or got in touch with the union during this consultation process and expressed their views. This was very welcome and is really very important as it ensures we’re as representative of your views as possible.