
Asbestos investigation will make worrying reading for thousands of Parliamentary staff 

31 July 2024

Politico today reports that Parliamentary authorities broke health and safety law during an asbestos incident in the Palace of Westminster in 2021.

Mike Clancy, general secretary of Prospect, responding to the reports, said:

“The conclusions of this investigation will make worrying reading for thousands of Parliamentary staff who are increasingly anxious about the safety of their workplace.

“It is doubly worrying that the current restoration and renewal proposals include plans that would entail Parliament sitting in situ while extensive works take place in an asbestos-riddled building.

“The previous government allowed the Palace of Westminster to degrade throughout their time in office, constantly putting off difficult decisions. Labour can cement its credentials as a different kind of government by not following suit.

“As a first step unions must be involved in the decisions which affect the safety of our members. We therefore call upon Parliament to include union representation when the board overseeing the restoration and renewal project is reconstituted.”