
Bills such as Employment Rights Bill promise to have a real impact on workers and the economy

17 July 2024

The King has set out the Government’s legislative programme for the coming year at the State Opening of Parliament.

Included in the King’s Speech were an Employment Rights Bill, a Skills England Bill and bills on things like nationalising rail transport, changing planning and creating Great British Energy.

Prospect General Secretary Mike Clancy said:

“This King’s Speech was a welcome change from recent years where party management and wedge issues seemed to be the primary driver with little attention paid to good governance.

“The bill, which promises to have the biggest impact on working people, and the economy as a whole, is the Employment Rights Bill.

“If you treat your workforce with respect and give them a stake in your success then they will work for you and deliver above and beyond your expectation.

“The Skills England Bill also promises to work with unions to develop the skilled and highly productive workforce we need to deliver on our growth and net zero ambitions.

“We hope these bills will mark the beginning of a new partnership between business, government and trade unions, with economic success our common goal.”