
Cutting the rights of people earning over £100k would be an unfair anti-growth measure

4 October 2022

The Financial Times today reports some worrying suggestions from Business Secretary Jacob Rees-Mogg to cut the employment rights of certain workers.


It is reported that while some suggestions were deemed too controversial, some like removing rights from people earning over £100k a year, were being looked at.

General Secretary of Prospect Mike Clancy said:

“It is deeply worrying that ministers are looking at removing employment rights from workers, even if it does apply only to those earning over £100k a year.

“Rights are important because they apply to everyone – once you start picking and choosing who is exempt you make an already complex system unmanageable. It would also be hugely damaging for equality of opportunity. If you are from a minority group starting out in your career and you see a senior manager being discriminated against with no consequence, what is that going to do for your confidence in the system?

“Far from boosting productivity, this would be an antigrowth measure making the UK less competitive, less able to attract talent – particularly in areas with shortages – and leaving senior staff subject to abuse.”