Environment Bill will fail without proper funding, Prospect tells MPs
Prospect has warned MPs that the government’s new Environment Bill will fail in its aims if new and existing agencies are not properly funding to carry out vital enforcement work.
The Bill would create a new Office for Environmental Protection (OEP) which would fulfil many of the functions on environmental standards that the EU used to perform.
Prospect sent a briefing to all MPs ahead of the 2nd Reading of the Bill on 26th February, which argued that the OEP would need to be much better resourced than the current plans if we are not to see a de facto reduction in enforcement capacity.
The briefing also argues that more resources are needed for existing organisations such as the Environment Agency and Natural England which have borne the brunt of government cuts since 2010.

Prospect’s Natural England branch are fighting a campaign on the State of Natural England, highlighting the impact of cuts on staff and on the environment.
The full briefing can be downloaded here.