
Final results received on pensions justice industrial action ballots

16 November 2011

Final results from the Pensions Justice ballot show that more than three in four Prospect members voted to take strike action on 30 November. A total of 32,017 members were eligible to vote in eleven separate ballots across the civil service and other public sector schemes.

Overall, 16,825 valid votes were cast, meaning the turnout was 52.6%, according to figures from Electoral Reform Services, who carried out the count. That makes it the highest turnout ever recorded by Prospect in a civil service-wide ballot.

Total numbers voting to take part in industrial action were:

Yes        12,699     75.5%

No           4,126     24.5%

(Invalid        17)

Total      16,825

The great majority of votes (15,583) were cast in the ballot on the Principal Civil Service Pension Scheme, but another 1,242 came from members in the Combined Pension Scheme for ex-UKAEA staff and other schemes.

These cover members in the Local Government, NHS, Houses of Parliament and Parliamentary ICT schemes; and CPS members working in the Civil Nuclear Constabulary, Fusion Energy, Health Protection Agency, International Nuclear Services and National Nuclear Laboratory.

The detailed breakdown of votes in individual schemes can be viewed at: