
Grenfell Tower Inquiry exposes the very real consequence of deregulation

4 September 2024

The Grenfell Tower Inquiry has published its second report into the tragedy saying that all 72 deaths were avoidable.


The report pointed to significant failings including by government and the drive to deregulate, even at the expense of safety.

Mike Clancy, General Secretary of Prospect which is the leading union for regulators, said:

“On a day like today the victims and their families, as well as all those involved in the response to the fire, will be at the forefront of everyone’s mind. For them this will be a very difficult and painful day, and all trade unionists stand in solidarity with all those affected.

“One of the things this report exposes is the very real consequence of deregulation, and the risk of privatising key technical and scientific advice to government.

“This inquiry must mark a watershed, with the value of regulation to protect the public recognised, and the regulators and specialists who do this vital work invested in, and their independence enhanced.”