Prime Minister now needs to end toxic culture at the top of government
Deputy Prime Minister Dominic Raab has resigned following a report into his conduct found him guilty of bullying staff.

Mr Raab was appointed to his role by Prime Minister Rishi Sunak despite widespread knowledge of accusations of bullying against him.
Mike Clancy, General Secretary of Prospect, said:
“There has been a toxic culture at the top of government for too long with civil servants and public trust paying the price for this chaos. The Prime Minister now needs to clean out the rest of the stables.
“These issues go to the heart of the anger and distrust many people feel towards the way our country runs. It is time for Ministers to step up and to start restoring trust both for civil servants and the good of the country.
“It is never easy to speak out about abuse from someone in power and I would like to pay tribute to those who have had the courage to do so.
“This should be a wake-up call for Ministers, that the way to deliver for the public is to respect and value public servants.”