Prospect calls for defence spending boost ahead of Nato summit
The Prime Minister will be at a Nato summit this evening (28 July) and Prospect is calling for the UK to boost defence spending both to improve security but also to support jobs and the levelling up agenda.
In recent years UK defence spending has fallen as a proportion of GDP with a knock on impact on jobs and potentially capability.
Senior Deputy General Secretary of Prospect Sue Ferns said:
“As he arrives at the Nato summit today the Prime Minister needs to recognise that increased global insecurity should mean a parallel increase in UK defence spending.
“We don’t just need to reverse cuts in troops, money must also be spent on our neglected civilian defence support – the specialists and scientists who help give our forces a cutting edge.
“It’s also time ‘taking back control’ translated into British contracts being used to support jobs in the UK, especially with projects like the Fleet Solid Support ships.”