Prospect launches Defence Sector safety form to mark International Workers Memorial Day

26 April 2024

Prospect marks International Workers Memorial Day on 28 April, to commemorate all workers who have sadly been killed just for doing their jobs. Around the world, every year more people are killed at work than in wars.

This year one of the ways we are marking this important event in the trade union calendar is with the launch of a new reporting tool for health and safety incidents in the Prospect Defence Sector.

This initiative came from Defence members themselves through the Health and Safety Network and seeks to record health and safety incidents whenever they occur in their workplaces.

The reporting form can be used for incidents affecting members and non-members alike and is in addition to any form already used by local employers.

Bob King, Prospect National Secretary for the Defence Sector said:

“The hope is to build up a catalogue of incidents across the sector on common issues, in specific areas, and to track the outcomes. We can then use this information to inform our political, campaigning and lobbying work, as well as in direct negotiations with employers.

“It can also be used in a supportive manner to help inform our work with employers to make beneficial changes for the good of the staff. We will always push back if the employer is not prepared to put the H&S of their staff first.”

Bob added that the information would also be used to write an informed report on the state of health and safety in the sector and that “the end goal is to make the workplaces of our members safer for all staff.”

Defence Sector Health and Safety reporting form

Prospect has a network of safety representatives in the Defence Sector and has a proud history of protecting our members at work.

As part of that ongoing commitment, we are monitoring concerns across the sector with our new online online form to report incidents, accidents, health concerns and any other matter you think we should be aware of.

Report a health and safety matter in the Defence Sector now.


International Workers Memorial Day is marked by the global trade union movement and is officially recognised by the UK Government.

The theme for this year is a focus on the impact of climate change on occupational health and safety. Death and disruption at work, as a consequence of global warming, is on the rise and expected to increase further.

Death at work and employment disruption as a result of global warming include issues such as heat stress, UV radiation, air pollution, industrial accidents, extreme weather events, vector-borne diseases, and chemical exposure.

International Workers Memorial Day is a commemoration of all people who have lost their lives at work, but it is also a reminder of our continuing commitment to fight for a safer world of work.

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