
Prospect letter to Prime Minister: Work with us to deliver change and renewal for the country

11 July 2024

Prospect General Secretary Mike Clancy has written to the Prime Minister, Keir Starmer MP, on behalf of our union’s 158,000 members, calling on the new government to meet and engage with Prospect, and to ensure that it delivers for working people.

Image of Prospect General Secretary Mike Clancy

Prospect General Secretary Mike Clancy

Prospect’s letter opens by congratulating the Prime Minister on Labour’s successful general election and, while it stresses that Prospect is not affiliated to any political party, welcomes the change in government and extends an offer of constructive engagement and partnership.

It says:

“We are aligned with many of the promises you made during the campaign and, of course, share common values regarding the workplace. Working with you, we are confident that your government can deliver on the fundamental changes that are needed for working people right across the country.”

It also recognises that the new government, unlike its predecessor, will value the input of trade unions to help formulate and delivery policy.

“Across all departments and activity, we know your government will once again recognise trade unions as key stakeholders, seeking their input as valued partners in policy formation, delivery and evaluation.”

“We will not agree on everything, but how we manage disagreement in the context of trust-based relationships should illustrate a major break with your predecessors.”

The letter continues with an outline of several key policy areas where Prospect hopes and expects to work with the government. They are:

Trade unions

“Your manifesto commitment to improving responsible trade union access to workplaces, will help us build on our success in extending our reach and relevance to new areas of the economy like renewable energy and tech. So, we expect to work with your government to deliver pragmatic new rules to enable workers to join and organise in a union if that is their choice.”

Industrial strategy

“Prospect has been advocating for modern industrial strategy for over a decade, building on the UK’s strengths in science, nuclear, defence, tech and creative industries where Prospect’s members deliver. We know that effective industrial strategy needs a credible people and skills strategy, and we offer our expertise on how this can be delivered.”

Clean energy

“Prospect represents tens of thousands of workers across the electricity and nuclear industries. Their expertise will be central to delivery. Early decisions on the imminent auction round for offshore wind, the final investment decision for the Sizewell C nuclear power station and to progress carbon capture and storage projects would send an important signal of your government’s intent to workers and industry.”


“Most Prospect members voted to remain in the European Union. In their professional lives they continue to deal with the unresolved impacts of Brexit, in areas as diverse as regulation, scientific collaboration and touring visas. The only way to resolve these problems will be through a closer relationship with the European Union, motivated not by dogma but by what delivers for working people.”

Civil service

“We commend your words on the steps of Downing Street about restoring service and respect to politics. The civil servants that Prospect represents stand ready to deliver without fear or favour in the national interest, based on robust evidence. But in return they deserve your support to defend the principles of impartiality and integrity.”

As well as a letter to the Prime Minister, Prospect is also writing to Secretaries of State and Ministers with the aim of building partnerships across government to create a positive difference for our members.

Letters have been sent to:

  • John Healey MP, Secretary of State for Defence
  • Ed Miliband MP, Secretary of State for Energy Security and Net Zero
  • Peter Kyle MP, Secretary of State for Science, Innovation and Technology
  • Nick Thomas-Symonds MP, HM Paymaster General
  • Anneliese Dodds MP, Minister of State for Women and Equalities
  • James Timpson, Minister for Prisons
  • Steve Reed MP, Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
  • Jonathan Reynolds MP,   Secretary of State for Business and Trade
  • Lisa Nandy MP, Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport