
Prospect moves for UK to have better ties with Europe

9 September 2024

Prospect is leading moves at TUC’s annual congress in Brighton to campaign for closer relations with the EU.

Prospect has brought a motion before Congress seeking to combat the negative effects of Brexit, pointing to problems in particular with export sectors and with sectors which are reliant on cross-border collaboration and reputation, such as science, tech or the creative industries.

The motion, which was carried, calls for the General Council to campaign for:

a. rapid progress on reducing trade barriers;

b. ongoing dynamic alignment of social protections and regulations to protect rights;

c. streamlined processes for essential cross-border movement of workers and equipment;

d. renegotiation of the EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement as an overall goal;

e. a cultural accord between the UK and the EU to reduce the processes currently in place that present barriers to cross border movements for touring musicians and associated creative workers, their equipment and goods

Mike Clancy, General Secretary of Prospect, said:

“Our relationship with the EU has been largely lacking from the recent public debate even though leaving it has had a huge detrimental effect in general, but particularly on workers as we diverge from the EU.

“UK workers are already missing out on the potential benefits of the new EU directive requiring member states to actively seek to increase collective bargaining coverage.

“This is not just about getting the best for workers in the UK, though that is important, it is also about competing economically and being able to recruit the skills we need in an international jobs market.

“There is no value in refighting the arguments of the referendum, but we can still secure a better deal for the UK and for our workers.”