
Prospect’s GO On Digital UK Conference

29 June 2012

Prospect’s Digital Inclusion Conference is to be held on 21 November at the Digital Development Agency venue in Manchester.

This conference is aimed at members and reps who are interested in the digital world, either for themselves or to help others.

It will look at the Government’s objective, through the ‘GO ON UK’ campaign, of getting everyone safely online and the potential for every organisation’s capability to deliver accessible digital services.

This exciting one-day event will explore issues of accessibility online, look at what the GO ON UK campaign can involve, the role of digital champions and Prospect’s involvement, how employers are embracing digital technologies, plus news and views from a digital online learning provider.

In addition, you will also have the opportunity to learn new digital skills through short bite-size interactive sessions on a range of subjects delivered by our very own digital champions.

To register your interest at this stage, please contact Lin Martin Haugh.