
Round-up of rule changes approved at 2014 national conference

19 June 2014

Delegates approved a series of new rules covering unemployed members. The changes include how Prospect classifies members, their rights and duties, allocating them to branches or sectors, attendance at national and sector conferences and voting in elections.

A number of other rules changes were agreed that:

  • enabled the retired members group to play a more active part in the union’s democratic processes. RMG delegates to national conference would now be able to participate in hand and card votes on motions that directly affected retired members.
  • removed the requirement for branches to hold an annual delegate conference or general meeting, and gave them the flexibility to choose between an annual or biennial event.
  • allowed Aspect group members, who were not part of the union’s employer-based branches, to participate in national conference.
  • amended the arrangements for raising any questions (references back) on the union’s annual report and accounts. The rule change also sets out the arrangements and deadlines for circulating the annual report and accounts in non-conference years.