
Specialists call for change of course on economy

15 March 2013

Prospect general secretary Mike Clancy has called for a change of direction from the Chancellor in next week’s budget statement. In a video broadcast to Prospect members, Clancy says the budget should be about building workplace confidence.

“The economy is crying out for high quality jobs. The Chancellor must grasp the opportunity and put British people back to work.

“Learning from experience is a key part of government and what he should learn from the experience he has had, is that it isn’t working. So please change course.

“It is time for the Chancellor to recognise that this approach is wrong. For too long the prescription has been equality of misery and we have got to step beyond that.

“The private sector needs what the public sector delivers and what the budget should do is to make sure both flourish,” said Clancy.

On energy policy, Clancy says the government must meet its carbon targets, and must make sure there is a planning regime that enables that to happen. It must take the investment decisions that will provide thousands of highly skilled jobs to be created.

View the video at: