
The formation of Skills England is a welcome commitment to ending skills shortages especially in STEM

22 July 2024

The Government has announced that it is to create a new organisation, Skills England, to oversee the planning and delivery of skills in the UK.

The organisation will initially be set up in shadow form before becoming an Arms Length Body of the Civil Service. It will look at the areas of the economy where skills are most needed and help structure how those skills will be delivered through education and training.

Sue Ferns, Senior Deputy General Secretary of Prospect, said:

“The launch of Skills England is a welcome commitment to tackling the chronic skills shortages we face, particularly in STEM, but across many of the industries we represent workers.

“Without a coherent skills strategy, tied closely to a modern industrial strategy, we will not deliver growth and deliver on decarbonising the economy.

“As the government recognises, Skills England simply won’t achieve its objectives without engaging and involving trade unions at every level, so they have an important part to play in advising and directing the new body.

“I also expect to see a part to play for unions in the discussions to set up Skills England.”