The PM is either too weak, or lacks the appropriate moral fibre to do the right thing
The Prime Minister’s independent adviser on standards has resigned after being overruled by the Prime Minister.

Sir Alex Allan had reached the conclusion that the Home Secretary had breached civil service rules with her bullying behaviour towards staff but the Prime Minister disagreed.
Mike Clancy, General Secretary of Prospect, said:
“This decision by the Prime Minister is a kick in the teeth for those civil servants who have been bullied by the Home Secretary, and indeed for anyone who has experienced unacceptable behaviour from their boss. For the person in charge of law and order in this country to be found to have bullied people, and get away with a slap on the wrist, is frankly unbelievable and she should consider her position.
“A report by the Independent Adviser on Standards has found that the Home Secretary has breached the civil service code, but the Prime Minister, for nakedly political reasons, has overruled that finding.
“What this really illustrates is that we have a Prime Minister who is either too weak, or lacks the appropriate moral fibre to do the right thing. In no other organisation would the person in charge be the ultimate arbiter of whether a breach such as this has taken place. A truly independent process is essential now.”