
Two-year plan to boost PE and sport for all pupils

1 August 2023

A two-year plan to improve the quality and access of PE and sport for all pupils, especially for girls, has been published by the Department for Education.

The School Sport and Activity Action Plan will support teachers to deliver two hours of PE and also competitive and extra-curricular activities.

Case studies and best practice examples will form the basis of guidance for schools to ensure that, as well as offering high quality PE, that they are also offering equal access to girls. The plan will also help identify areas where more support is needed, for example swimming and water safety.

There will also be resources to support children with special educational needs and disabilities and to  encourage competition and leadership opportunities for girls.

“Our school sport and activity action plan sets out how we will support schools to make sure girls and boys alike have those same great opportunities,” said Gillian Keegan, education secretary.

“[This] plan crystallises our commitment to equal access to all sports and two hours of PE per week, and will help instil a lifelong passion for sport and fitness in each and every young person.”

Ali Oliver, chief executive of the Youth Sport Trust, said:

“There is much we welcome in this action plan, not least the clear unequivocal statement, PE and sport is integral to what makes an excellent school. The significant commitment to investment, alongside clear expectations and accountability is much needed.

“However, we believe this should only be seen as the first step – less than half of children and young people meet the Chief Medical Officer’s guidance of 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity per day; which impacts on their physical and mental health, as well as progress and achievement in the classroom.”

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