
Commitment to Sizewell will be welcome if accurate but we need to see the details

21 August 2022

Prospect has responded to reports that the government has taken a secret decision to proceed with the Sizewell C nuclear power station.

Sue Ferns, senior deputy general secretary, said:

“Reports that the government have committed to the investment necessary for Sizewell C will be welcome if accurate, but we need to see the details.

“Sizewell C will deliver both good high skilled jobs as well as clean electricity to help us reach Net Zero. Given the huge benefits the project will bring, this decision is well overdue.

“What we need now is a public commitment through the Final Investment Decision, as well as commitments from both candidates vying to take over as PM in September that they won’t stand in the way of this vital project.”


Climate emergency

two energy workers


From generation to transmission, Prospect represents the interests of over 22,500 members working across all parts of the energy sector.