
Huge battery storage system at Hornsea 3 site, confirms Ørsted

26 June 2024

One of the largest battery storage systems in Europe will be built by Ørsted at the onshore converter station for its Hornsea 3 Offshore Wind Farm in Swardeston, Norfolk, the company has announced.

Ørsted’s Onshore Converter Station in Swardeston. Image courtesy of Ørsted

Ørsted has now taken a final investment decision on the Tesla battery storage system, which will have a capacity of 600MWh, equivalent to the powering of 80,000 UK homes every day.

Battery storage will become increasingly important as excess energy from renewables can be stored for the days when there is less wind, or sun.

As well as being able to maintain a steady and reliable power supply, having a battery storage system will also help to reduce price volatility for consumers.

The battery’s location on the same land as the onshore converter station for Hornsea 3, which hopes to be fully completed by the end of 2027, minimises disruption to those living and working nearby.

Ørsted takes final investment decision on Hornsea 3

Duncan Clark, Head of Ørsted UK & Ireland, said: “Our 12 existing UK offshore wind farms are providing a huge amount of clean energy to the grid. The battery will help ensure that renewable energy is used in the best possible way by storing it when demand is lower and then releasing it back into the system when it’s really needed. This maximises the potential of renewable energy whilst providing increased energy security and value to consumers. “

It is hoped the battery storage facility will be operational by 2026.


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