
Improving equality, diversity and inclusion in the civil service is “not a woke hobby horse”

13 May 2024

Minister for “Common Sense” Esther McVey has announced a ban on civil service jobs which deal with diversity and equality.

Whitehall Street Sign

She has claimed that public money is being “wasted” and that no more public sector jobs should be dedicated to Equality Diversity and Inclusion (EDI).

Mike Clancy, General Secretary of Prospect, said:

“Improving equality, diversity and inclusion in the civil service is “not a woke hobby horse” as claimed by some ministers. Instead, it speaks to the enduring values of the civil service of recruitment and promotion on merit, makes sound business sense and reflects the stated aspiration of the government that the civil service should reflect the society it serves.

“The government must end its self-created culture war and attacks on the civil service.

“The reality is that spending to support equality, diversity and inclusion initiatives is relatively modest in a workforce of more than 500,000. The suggestion that the civil service should not learn from and draw on internal and external expertise simply does not make business or organisational sense.”

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