Supporting members at Hinkley Point C
Ben Middleton (National Secretary) Louise Staniforth and Chris Perry (Organisers) spent valuable time with reps Bobby Carson and Phil Back at Hinkley Point C on 31st March.
This is one of the many site visits we’re undertaking over the year across EDF, with key objectives to support and grow our rep base, plus strengthen the overall branch membership.
Where possible, we’ll be offering rep training in person with a potential date of mid-May set for HPC and encourage new reps or anyone interested in becoming active to attend. We promise to make it enjoyable!
We’ll also be working with reps to look specifically at recruiting increased numbers of embedded contractors and staff at HPC now that the project is progressing into the MEH phase and the simulator building approaches formal opening with an increase in training of what will be the station operational staff.
Colleagues can and should join the union, so having these conversations is essential. Once we have confirmed dates for training and site visits, we’ll publish them and welcome member support.

The attached leaflet is a further step in highlighting the work Prospect is doing on Renewables.
We are in the process of establishing a formal partnership forum with the Renewables business to improve engagement and recruitment towards securing a more formalised collective bargaining agreement in time.
With a working group set up looking at different ways of engagement, there are opportunities for members to support and promote the positive steps we are making. We are stronger where we work together.