
Prospect calls for further steps to keep Parliament COVID safe

15 December 2021

At the end of yesterday at least eight MPs had reported that they had tested positive for COVID.

House of Parliament

Prospect, which represents workers in parliament, is concerned that unless further measures are taken to make the parliamentary estate COVID-secure then the safety of staff and MPs will be undermined.

Garry Graham, Deputy General Secretary of Prospect, said:

“In just the last day several MPs have announced that they have tested positive for COVID, with some blaming the lack of ability to participate in parliamentary proceedings remotely as a factor. The intransigence of Leader of the House Jacob Rees-Mogg in not insisting on face masks, and not allowing remote participation may well be playing a part in Parliament becoming a hot bed of infection, just as it was at the start of the pandemic.

“Prospect is calling for significant steps to be taken to make the estate more COVID-secure when it returns. First, MPs should be asked to take and record daily lateral flow tests before attending.

“Second, parliamentary authorities should request that the UKHSA do a full assessment of the COVID safety of the chamber, MPs’ offices, committee rooms and the voting lobbies in light of the increased transmissibility of the omicron variant. Only by taking necessary steps to improve safety in the Palace of Westminster will we actually be able to keep democracy going without unnecessary risk to staff or our elected representatives.”

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