
Prospect submits evidence to government’s Net Zero review

22 November 2022

There is no necessary tension between delivering Net Zero, energy security, and inclusive economic growth, Prospect has said in its evidence to the government’s review of its own Net Zero strategy.

The UK government has set itself the target of reaching Net Zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 and last year had published its Net Zero strategy detailing how it planned to achieve this.

However, the government says a review is now necessary following the Russian invasion of Ukraine and because of the changing economic landscape.

The review will consider how the Net Zero strategy can:

  • deliver maximum economic growth and investment, driving opportunities for private investment, jobs, innovation, exports, and growth right across the UK;
  • support UK energy security and affordability for consumers and business and the need to rapidly increase and strengthen UK energy production and supply;
  • minimise costs borne by businesses and consumers, particularly in the short-term.

Prospect evidence

Prospect’s submission reiterates its call for a national energy agency that brings together experts and stakeholders, including business and workforce representatives and repeats ongoing concerns that Sizewell C has yet to be to be given a Government Investment Decision.

On investing in low carbon infrastructure, Prospect said:

“Accelerating the rollout of low carbon home-grown electricity generation is vital to achieve net zero and energy independence. We need to rapidly scale up investment in renewables such as onshore wind, offshore wind, and solar as well as technologies that complement their variable output.”

On skills and the workforce:

“Maximising the economic benefits of net zero requires investment not only in physical infrastructure but also the workforce that underpins it. The government needs a net zero skills and training plan to ensure workers are equipped to participate in the green economy.”

In the concluding remarks for its submission, Prospect said:

“There is no necessary tension between delivering net zero, energy security, and inclusive economic growth. However, the government needs to take an active role, with clear and consistent policies, to ensure these objectives support each other. By promoting investment, building the workforce, harnessing innovation, and steering a balanced energy mix it can build a stronger and greener economy that benefits all parts of the UK.”

Download and read Prospect submission to the net zero review.

The government has said that it will publish the results of the review and its recommendations by the end of the year.


Climate emergency

two energy workers


From generation to transmission, Prospect represents the interests of over 22,500 members working across all parts of the energy sector.