Prospect welcomes landmark Social Partnership Agreement with Welsh Government
Prospect trade union has welcomed a landmark new Social Partnership Agreement with the Welsh Government, which puts the views of trade union members at the heart of the decision-making process about how the Welsh Government Civil Service is run.
The ground-breaking agreement between Welsh Government management and its three trade union partners: Prospect, PCS, and FDA, is a milestone that has partnership at its core and places unions at the heart of the decision-making process and recognises the importance of Trade Unions in the running of our organisation.
The agreement lays out the principles of partnership working and the processes and structures which will allow that to happen. It explains how trades unions and management will collaborate in developing workforce policies.
At its heart is union representation on key decision-making bodies of the organisation – including the Board and Executive Committee. It also contains a continuing commitment to social partnership fora in each of the Welsh Government’s departments, overseen by one chaired by the Permanent Secretary. It includes the establishment of a new group to make sure there is systematic and planned engagement with unions on key workplace issues.
This agreement will enable trade unions to present the views of members at an early stage on proposed workplace changes. This will ensure organisational strategy and decision-making is properly influenced through the application of trade unions’ knowledge and expertise.
Jane Lancastle, Prospect Assistant Secretary, said:
“This new agreement puts trade union voices at the heart of decision making in government.
“Our members are responsible for delivering services across government in Wales so we have unrivalled expertise in what it actually means to deliver a good service.
“Working with our partner unions and Welsh Government management we can ensure that social partnership delivers real benefits to the public and also for staff.
“I would also like to acknowledge the excellent work done by Prospect Branch Secretary Robin Bradfield in delivering this agreement.”
Welsh Government Permanent Secretary, Dr Andrew Goodall said:
“Social Partnership is based on relationships borne out of trust and respect, bringing together partners from across government, employers, and trade unions to collaborate and co-produce solutions to shared problems. The Welsh Government is firmly committed to doing just that, by involving staff in matters affecting their jobs and working lives, primarily through our recognised Trade Unions.
“The Welsh Government and our Trades Unions are committed to partnership working, as set out in this Agreement. We believe that by working together in a spirit of cooperation and collaboration, we can achieve better things for our organisation and for Wales. We look forward to continuing this journey with all our staff, while making a positive impact through our Social Partnership Agreement.
“I would like to thank Prospect for their constructive engagement as we’ve developed this agreement.”