
The decision to allow all MPs into the chamber could have been left till after recess

12 July 2021

The House of Commons Commission has decided to raise restrictions on the number of MPs allowed into the debating chamber from Monday 19 July.

This means as many as 650 MPs could be allowed into an enclosed space, with no social distancing restrictions and no mask requirement.  It has also been revealed that MPs will not be required to wear masks but staff will.

Garry Graham, Prospect deputy general secretary, responded:

“It is extraordinary that the House of Commons Commission have decided to allow up to 650 MPs to crowd into the House of Commons after 19th July- putting themselves and staff at risk.

“With just a few days until the summer recess, there is absolutely no reason why this move could not have been delayed for a few months when the health situation would hopefully have improved and everyone would have had the opportunity to receive both doses of the vaccine.

“MPs may choose not to put themselves at risk in a full chamber, but staff are required to be there and their safety appears to be an afterthought once again.

“We urge the Commission to rethink this decision, and at the very least act to protect staff by issuing strict guidance that MPs must wear masks in the chamber and around the estate, both for safety and to set an example to the public about how to behave in crowded indoor spaces. It is frankly ridiculous that staff will be required to wear masks around the estate but the very MPs and government ministers who set the rules will not.”

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