There are fundamental problems with the system of dealing with unacceptable ministerial behaviour
The government has appointed an independent lawyer, Adam Tolley KC, to look into allegations of bullying against Justice Secretary Dominic Raab.

The findings of the investigation will be made public but the final decision will be left to the Prime Minister.
Mike Clancy, General Secretary of Prospect, said:
“This whole sorry mess exposes fundamental problems with the system of dealing with unacceptable behaviour by ministers.
“Civil servants need an independent process to make complaints if they are subject to inappropriate behaviour from ministers. The absence of such a process potentially restricts their willingness to come forward and leaves them exposed to an unsatisfactory power imbalance.
“Additionally, no process can be fully independent if the Prime Minister, who still hasn’t appointed an ethics adviser, is the final arbiter of wrongdoing.
“If the Prime Minister is truly to get a grip on unacceptable behaviour, he needs to appoint an ethics advisor and introduce a truly independent process. Only then can he begin to restore trust.”