
This government must end the tradition of treating the civil service as a political punchbag

10 March 2025

The government has said it plans a radical reform of the civil service, and that some parts “would and can” be smaller.

General view of Whitehall

Speaking on the TV on Sunday, Cabinet office minister Pat McFadden said that the government expected to prioritise frontline jobs. Senior staff will have performance-related pay and those who fail to meet required standards could be dismissed if they do not improve within six months.

Prospect General Secretary Mike Clancy was interviewed on Times Radio about the move.

He also wrote for Civil Service  World recently about how the Prime Minister must ignore calls for Elon Musk-style cuts to the civils service.

Mike Clancy said: 

“Civil servants have been integral to helping the UK navigate the challenges we have faced in recent times.

“Nobody would say the civil service is perfect, and our members are willing partners in reform, but this government must end the tradition of treating the civil service as a political punchbag.

“A serious reform agenda must start not from blunt headcount targets, but from an appraisal of the specialist skills needed in areas like science and data, and a realisation that the current pay system does not compete with the private sector for these skills.”


Two public service workers in the energy industry facing away in high-vis jackets and hard hats

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