
UK drifts aimlessly while other countries seize climate change opportunities

28 June 2023

The UK’s independent adviser the Climate Change Committee has published a report looking at the UK’s progress in meeting its climate change goals.

The report is critical of the lack of progress the UK is making, particularly in comparison to other countries, and warns that we have lost our position as global leader on the issue. Top of their concerns are the lack of a clear plan for skills or an industrial strategy.

Sue Ferns, Senior Deputy General Secretary of Prospect, said:

“Due to lack of political leadership, the UK risks squandering the potential net zero provides to rebuild the economy, create good green jobs, and support communities.

“As the CCC recognises, this requires a long-term skills strategy and a sustainable industrial policy – both have been sadly lacking for some time.

“Leaders in the US and EU have got the message and are seizing the opportunity, while our government drifts aimlessly behind.”

two energy workers


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