Vote on excluding MPs from Parliament unacceptably delayed
Parliament recently published a report recommending a risk-based system to exclude from the Commons, MPs accused of serious misconduct.

There was to be a vote in Parliament on the Commission’s proposals on 12 June but this has now been cancelled in favour of just a debate.
Prospect union General Secretary, Mike Clancy, said:
“For too long, staff and visitors to the parliamentary estate have been at risk from MPs credibly accused of violent and sexual misconduct being free to roam the Palace of Westminster.
“Unions, staff and others have worked with the Speaker and the Leader of House to develop a workable proposal that addresses this scandal and protects staff.
“This delay in allowing a vote on the proposals is unacceptable and must not be a precursor to kicking the recommendations into the long grass.
“A vote must be held as soon as possible, and party leaders must instruct their MPs to support these proposals as the start of a much-needed culture change in Westminster.”