Union for tech workers

For a better, healthier and fairer tech industry.

Despite being one of the fastest growing industries in the UK, the tech sector has one of the lowest rates of union membership. But we’re beginning to change this with the launch of our new Prospect Tech Sector.

Prospect brings people together across specialist and tech work. We have members in software, coding, data analysis, AI, engineering and many other parts of the tech sector, in both the private and public sector.

Around the world workers in technology and games companies are getting organised. Conversations around the gender pay gap, stress, and equality are starting to spread. More people are choosing to join a union.

If you are interested in the benefits of joining a union, in unionising your workspace, and in negotiating for better conditions, now is the time to take action and join Prospect today.

Prospect has over 100 years’ experience in bringing workers together, and we’re ready to provide support, resources and expertise. But the union has to start with you.

We are at the forefront of tackling the many challenges faced by tech workers. Learn more about our work campaigning for digital rights and making sure all workers face a fair working future.

Together we can make the tech industry better, fairer and safer for workers.

Join the unions for tech workers Join Prospect today

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In March 2023 Prospect launched a new Tech Workers’ Charter.

The charter is based on the work of the Scottish Tech Workers’ Network. The network is part of a project funded by Prospect and by the Scottish Trade Union Congress through the Union Modernisation Fund. Many tech companies in Scotland are start-ups and lack the number of employees needed for union recognition.

The network meets regularly and has a Slack through which workers discuss ways to organise to improve work in the tech sector and to increase awareness about unions in the workforce.

The Charter has been a central output of the network. It was developed over a year of meet ups, survey results, and conversations with workers outside of the network through various events. It includes nine rights the workers have established that would make tech work fairer and more ethical.

Organising conversations

Find out more about how to organise in your workplace
Download the guide

Union recognition

Learn more about union recognition and how to get it in your workplace
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Secure a better, fairer and healthier workplace in tech Join Prospect today
8 March 2024
Prospect’s Tech Workers Organiser Maria Torres-Quevedo reflects on the challenges facing…
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12 June 2023
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Prospect Tech Workers on a dotted computer like background.
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